“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Confucius

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Riding towards and along the Valsugana Bike Path from Veneto and into neighbouring Trentino

Found along the roadside after descending the Primolano Scale and a clear sign there was to be a road race here today....this is the sign that tells the racers they can chuck rubbish/drink bottles onto the side of the road  for the next Km and not be fined.  

On my return I saw all the signs of a race about to pass by, so I stopped for lunch and watched stage 2 of the under 23 Giro d'Italia pass through...very very quickly!  Since then I've been following the rest of the stages on TV...currently a Brit is in the lead by 5 minutes(!)

What can I say about this ..apart from that Leo is situated at the junction of two bike paths alongside a red bench and a sign full of local info.  Bike paths here are really well set out.

These mini rest stops give you an idea of exactly where you are on the bike path since they are away from houses/villages etc and really there's no other way to tell.

This was just outside of Borgo Valsugana, a town I've visited at least 3 times now and have got lost every time.  Directional bike path signs are put up for those who already know the way.  Anyway I presume this might have been the result of a lightening strike, but it's fan like spread of fallen branches  is very arty!

Living 3km uphill from a very small town and with only a bike for transport adds another dimension to life.  Yesterday I needed to buy  quite alot of food and drink so using the bike was not an option.....so I walked down, shopped and then walked back up again much much more slowly!  I've done this walk 3 times now and each time I've been offered a lift ...this time it was on the way down so I declined saying it was my training..ie 10,000 steps. And despite what I was told all those years ago  I did accept 1 offer and that was 'cos it was on the way up and it was raining.

Well better get going..just a medium length ride today with no mega climbs as I don't want to fall in a heap fitness wise from over doing the long hard rides.

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