So what happened was that there were 6 of us of which I think 2 had never ridden a crit before, so it was decided we would start off easy, however after 2 laps of parading round at a pace I normally train at, I decided to crank the speed up and so came from behind at a decent pace (? was that an attack??? it wasn't really meant to be) down the long side of the oblong course and with the wind behind me.
No-one followed me, I hesitated, looked behind and then kept going. The next lap I checked again and finally realised I was on my own. By then I was too far ahead to sit up and let them catch up so the only option left to me was to keep going. So I did.
I lapped 1 of our group and 1 of the group that started 10 mins before us and won solo a good 1/2 to 3/4 lap in front of the rest of my group. My laps were not totally equal in time, but they are fairly close.
I had a great work out and am now well and truly stuffed.
Waiting for the presentations was a bit nerve wracking as we had to get back to our house, pack the car and get to Devenport for the ferry home to Melbourne, so I ended up asking them to get on with it!
Back home now doing the washing, reading the mail and being adored by the cats!
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