“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Confucius

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

4 rides ..3 punctures

Taking part in the Rapha Redemption 500 (ride 500km between December 23rd and December 31st) has ensured that no matter how reluctant I am, I ride each day.

December 26th
After yesterday's incredible history making storm in Melbourne, I decided not to go out early as I felt certain the roads would be strewn with puncture creating debris and with  a 100% score of 2 rides and 2 punctures was not keen to improve on my stats!  I was also tired from the previous day's ride and celebrations.
Eventually I heaved myself out for a distinctly reluctant 26knm circuit on relatively main roads that were surprisingly uncluttered....apparently the expected Boxing Day sales crowds had not materialised in quite the numbers expected.  Total for the 3 days 177km.  Better rest up for a longer ride tomorrow..weather permitting.

December 27th
Yet another public holiday and anticipating that later would be busier on the roads, I set off early for a planned 102km ride that involved a long hard slog up a road named Skyline...the name says it all.  However, the spirit failed me as tired legs talked to me for the entire hour it took to reach the bottom of the climb and I altered my route, visiting  2 roads I used to race on, but which are now off the list due to increased housing and  local complaints.
turn around spot for skinny road tyres

I had planned to return a different way but  an increase in traffic and especially 4 wheel drives with boats and caravans had me diving for the back roads again.  Since it was only  late morning, I assume there must have been bad weather  further east for such early returns home.

Close to home but with not enough kms to reach the 100km, I rode another loop, finally turning for home and ending up with  106km to add to the total..177+106=283km and well past half way and on track to finish the 500km.

HOWEVER....just before I got home...

this time a front wheel ...so there we are, after not puncturing  for a very long time....4 rides, 3 punctures.  Better visit the bike shop again and stock up on more tubes and gas bottles!

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