“Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” Lou Holtz

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." Confucius

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Cortina Day 1

Trip 1 was to the bike shop to see if a repair to Lorraine's rear brake/front derailleur SRAM combo was fixable and the answer was  no......replaceable?..probably also no as SRAM is not a widely used make in this neck of the woods.  Given the combo ie front not rear derailleur at least a change over to Shimano is possible although irritating.  In the mean time she is riding a loaner road bike which is not too bad although the brakes are a bit low grade which makes for a nervy downhill part of the ride..

Today's ride, once we got going, was to the Passo Tre Croci and given  Lorraine's jet lag, we opted to go round the easier way this year...it is a very peasant ride and a good starter for the week...

What the tourist info people want you to look at:

What I saw:

2 things of note during the ride...I managed to soak my right hand ,bar and levers in gel...I know have  lemon/lime flavoured handlebars!

and on the way down a guy was struggling coming up ..I thought he was going to fall..but actually he was having trouble putting a bottle back and failed..it fell rolling down the slope towards me...OMG  I thought not another downhill drama!...god only knows how I managed to avoid it, but I did..phew!

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